In this post, I will introduce a Next generation Social network for Bloggers & like minded peoples.
As a blogger, I always look for the content in my niche. Actually, the idea of Interest based communities started with facebook Groups & pages. People started joining these groups to explore the interesting content. During initial phase it actually worked, but as time progressed everything on facebook became so generic with lakh of pages & groups on the same topic. Everything was unorganised & cluttered in a way that you will easily get irritated. Here comes the role of Affimity- Social network which helps like-minded people to easily connect & share the content seamlessly.
The world has changed a lot with the emergence of social media networking & Internet. Those were the days when we only had very few online networking communities in terms of social media. Yahoo was one of the initial social networks I joined. Later came Orkut, MySpace with an instant popularity & as the time progressed they all vanished due to lack of innovation. When I started my engineering in computer science, I came across the blogging term. In those days blogging was not a layman term. Very few people really understood the term weblog. Some of them started blogging as a personal diary to share their interests, photos or food recipes. With the innovation of Social media world in the form of Facebook (2008), Twiiter (2009) & Instagram (2012) ordinary people came closer to this exciting world of social media & blogging.
How Affimity is different than other Social networking sites:
Affimity is one step more than social networking. You really need not be a friend with the person you follow. It provides a better home for people who follow their passion & want to explore more about their interest. Who wants to discover & make new friends based on the shared interests without irrelevant noise in the feeds.
The word Affimity is derived from the combination of words Passion (Affinity) & Friendship (Amity). As the name suggests, one can really make a use of this social network to explore the collection of interest-specific social channels available on Affimity. Started with Food, Family & Technolgy , they have introduced various new channels as per the demand from users. Many more new channels are to be added as the feedback comes from the users across the world. I have been using this social networking site from few months & it has helped me a lot in terms of traffic & acquiring unique content from across the globe. It helped me to connect with experts in my niche & know their views on startups & social media.

If you are also tired of boring stuff on your existing social media with holidays pics, not so funny jokes & shameless self-promotion. You can switch to Affimity to explore the Next Generation social media experience. It has really developed a platform to engage the users in an arranged manner & cut down the clutter by dividing everything into channels.
Affimity is also available on Android PlayStore & iOS : Download here
Please share your experience with Affimity in the comment section. I would love to hear from you about it.